Just to be Fair

Just to be fair, after my last post, I thought I would share my pharmacy experience and how much easier it was than in the states. Here is my dialogue with the lady at the counter (not the pharmacist). "I was wondering about the drug Singulair, for allergies...how much does it cost?" Her: "$10,000 for 30 days supply ($20)... it would cost $100 in the states" Me: "my Dr. mentioned that it would be good for me" Her: "yes, many people like it". Me: "O.K. I would like some then" Her: "OK". The pharmacist (overhearing the conversation): "Ventilair is the same thing for less money" So, I ended up saving money and getting my "prescription drug" without any of the hassles of getting a prescription. A bit nicer than getting a drivers license!!! :)

I must say that medicine and dentistry has been a refreshing surprise for us here. San Jose has a simply fantastic hospital... Clinica Biblica. Imagine Maine Medical Center, only it is Evangelical Christian! Missionaries here, many years ago, began a small clinic and today it is a state of the art hospital. (with the most beautiful stained glass window...seen in picture left) For example, I had a 2 hour consultation with the best ENT in Costa Rica during which I had both a sinus scope and a throat scope...cost: $30. (I wish you could see the area that this beautiful hospital is in... the only nice looking thing in it is the hospital! I would not dare roam 1 block from it!) 2 weeks ago Mary, Myself, Abbie, Jordan, Aaron & Brody (yes 6 of us) went to the dentist to have our teeth checked, cleaned, 2 cavities filled and flouride. Cost for the 6 of us: $150. I need a crown. (in Gray at my dentist a crown was $1150) A crown here is $180. In fact, if any of you are lacking dental insurance and need expensive dentistry done, you could buy a $500 airline ticket to fly here, get your dentistry done and still save...any takers?


Unknown July 1, 2008 at 12:16 PM

That is unreal, considering the horrid state of health-care in the United States in general. With the rising costs of spending due to the war a lot of the social programs like MaineCare here have been cut down to nothing and it seems like more and more people are suffering as a result. I guess thats what goes wrong when you hide democracy within a socialism program. How are things like that down there? What is the hierarchy like? You know me.. always one to wonder how things work!
Love you guys,