Child Sponsorship

I am truly amazed at what we provide here at AMG for a mere $28 per month sponsorship. I think if you could experience how souls are saved, lives changed and needs provided, you too would join me in sponsoring a child...or maybe more than 1!

$28 per month provides a child from the poorest of poor neighborhoods here in Guatemala an education, daily food, clothing and love. More importantly than all these vital physical needs we share the truth of Christ and train them through God´s word.

If you are interested in sponsoring one of our kids, please visit my website and click on ¨Child Sponsorship¨ at the top. You will be redirected to AMG´s website and given information on how to sponsor a child in Guatemala.

One day you might even be able to come visit us and your sponsored child! It is one of the great pleasures we get to experience in our work...introducing sponsors to their children...face to face!

Please consider it!