Eve Natalie is Growing

Eve is now 2 1/2 months old! She is starting to smile at us and is cooing frequently! She is a real cuddler and spends most her time sleeping or cuddling with Mom and family. It's neat having another little girl in the family again!


Anonymous March 3, 2007 at 9:05 AM

Oh good!! I can post a comment! I love your blog site! It'll be fun to be able to check up on you guys through the days. Am I the first to post a comment?? WOO HOO! Good thing it wasn't Troy because all he cared about was why HE isn't on your blog site yet...hehe
I'll make sure to post a link to your blog from mine!
Love you guys, Bridge

The Hastings Family March 7, 2007 at 8:45 PM

HI Guys,
I have enjoyed looking at your blog! Eve is so sweet, I wish I could give her a snuggle. Can't wait until your in Guatemala. Talk to you soon.